Subsidium Case Study


When following the footprints of a healthcare worker, only then do we realize the chaotic and restless routine they endure. This app puts a focus on the admissions and marketing aspects of healthcare, and allows for smoother process in within a hectic environment.


Support Management Software






Healthcare is a huge, resourceful, and extremely important industry to our society yet it lacks modern technology. We will be focusing on hospice and its admission process, showcase the benefits of utilizing this software as well as the process of patient admissions.

Patient Admission Process for Hospice

Step 1: Market

  1. Liaison markets to healthcare workers and facilities.

  2. They keep track of each account and maintain the relationship.

  3. They educate referral sources on the benefits of our service.

Step 2: Evaluate Patient

  1. Once a referral is made, insurance is verified and clinicals are sent to intake.

  2. Intake verifies insurance and sends clinicals to nursing.

  3. Once admissions gives the liaison the approval, the liaison assess the patient and if they agree, they sign a packet of documents.

Step 3: Admit Patient

  1. A patient account must be made on to the system, and patient must upload their evaluation on to the patient’s account

  2. The packet has to be brought back or faxed to the office and a small where it will be reviewed and patient’s clinical care team will be determined.

Empathize with User

With a variety of departments and different people collaborating to provide patient care, the process within each phase of patient care is very delicate and intricate. With many tediously critical steps to the admission process, employees find themselves overwhelmed from the many tasks and responsiblities they take on. The problems many encounter within this work environment are:

Heavy WorkloadMiscommunicationLower Healthcare StandardsWait TimesStress

Understanding the Problem

Miscommuncation, Lower Health Standards, Wait Times, Stress, and Heavy Workload all played a role in the decline of healthcare and its standards. Healthcare is always in demand, and therefore will always keep its employees busy and sometimes overworked. Below, I’ve explained the problems in further detail.

Heavy Workload

  • The admissions team has to process everything
  • The amount of patients to process is too much
  • The process of patient admission involves many steps
  • Admissions team must communicate each step processed


  • When communicating needs from one user to another, its very easy to forget
  • There are so many things to communicate
  • Everyone’s phones are constantly busy due to communications.

Lower Health Standards

  • Because everyone has a heavy workload and has to complete multiple tasks at once, the time and attention to properly provide quality care has faded.
  • Most companies are understaffed and create a never ending to do list
  • All patient’s are no treated as a number

Wait Times

  • Because certain steps in the process required depend on others to proceed ( like verifying insurances), it creates a prolonged period process for workers and even longer if the liaison is waiting with the family, patient. or referral source.
  • Fax machines and other outdated technology can be troublesome, and sometimes not even send the correct information to the receiver.


  • Due to high work volumes, stress is a huge concern in healthcare.
  • Companies are left understaff and cause more work for those they still have on payroll.
  • Even with all the effort, everyone is human and can only offer so much to each patient, person, or account.
  • High employee turnover rate.


Solutions to Problems

Heavy Workload

  • Create features that will alleviate employees from simple tedious task
  • Allow the completion of certain task via specific features to communicate


  • Allow the completion of certain task via specific features to communicate
  • Allow certain feautures like the verification button as a means to communciate and record tasks that verifies insurance to the liaison without having to bombard either user’s phone.

Lower Health Standards

  • Taking away the some of the workload will enable users to properly give the quality of care each patient deserves.
  • Creating a communcation platform that properly communicates specific tasks and information
  • Creating features that prevent mistakes from occuring.

Wait Times

  • Creating features that automatically send information and allow users to effectively communcate
  • These features should take over these tasks cut down the length of each phase.


  • Remove overwhelming work
  • Avoid making people wait for responses
  • Allow effective communication
  • Create features that substitute a human with a computer.

Subsidium Walkthrough

Home Dashboard Evaluation Video Payroll Payroll Pay Period Single Day Calendar Marketplace Facility

Test it out

I love the fact that this software’s CRM feature effectively keeps track of my accounts and relationships. Does it also immediately create the patient’s accounts when an evaluation is made?

Andrew, 22

I love how I can keep track of my patients with the map and how the app creates a route for me to effieciently visit my patients. I think it would be useful to allow us to chart and have the patient or family member sign the visitation form digitally.

Addison, 27
Social Worker

The map and route is extremely useful. Can we show we delivered the supplies and show what we did for the patient on the app instead of filling out a physical form.

Paul, 34

I think this app can help save time and help me track my patient’s more effectively. Can it also help me track my gas.

Madison, 28

I absolutely love that I can track all my employees. I don’t want to be a micromanager, is their a way to just update their location based on their check-ins.

Antonio, 54
Marketing Director

This is awesome! I feel as though everyone is on the same page without me having to communicate anything. I complete specific tasks and it updates accounts and information automatically. It would be amazing if we can send messages from the app to families.

Rachael, 30
Creative Designer


With so many different roles in the industry, we’ve created a ground zero platform that allows people of all roles to effectively communicate with one another as well as decrease the task load by consolidating steps within processes. This is app is extremely versatile and can be a software tool for a myriad of industries.

Here are some of the solutions we produced:

Tracking Feature: Allows people to communicate their location without physically sending messages. By doing evaluation questionaires, activity check-ins, expenses, etc, the software updates not only the information inputed but also the location of the activities.

Gas Mileage and Expenses: Currently, liaisons and other employees track their mileage by calculating the total mileage from facility to facility or patient to patient. They also have to write down the reason for driving to that patient or facility. With this new feature, we are able to track the mileage and the reason for visit by simply inputting the information for our daily tasks.

Calendar: Allowing for you to create and plan your daily activities. Whether you are a nurse, liaison, CNA, or etc. The calendar is catered to your role. For nurses, you will see the destination of your meeting for “All Staff” as well as the destination for all of your patients based on the locations. For liaisons, activities can be inputed for a more seamless day. With events inputted, there are also other features associated with this like: automated texts to the next meeting based on if an employee is running behind or early, allowing to check-in to an event/location and putting the reason on the to do list with a reminder set to input information, or inviting others to your meeting or sending another employee to attend in your stead.

Digital Forms: Each event allows each user to add a certain form based on the visit. With liaisons, they can check-in to an event and by clicking patient evaluation for the reason of the event, the evaluation questionaire will populate allowing for an easier evaluation. This will also immediately create a patient account with the inputted information already charted. With CNAs, RNs, or SW, they can chart clinical notes within the software, updating the patient’s account as they go.

Communication through Updates: When information is inputted, depending on the task and information this will immediately trigger the software to do specific actions. For example, when a evaluation questionaire is being filled out, everytime the user presses next, the information will automatically save allowing other users like intake to see the update information. If they need to verify insurance, they can input verified/approved on the intake’s user account. When the liaison goes back to the insurance page, they can also see updated inputted information from the intake team.

CRM: Currently, most companies require their employees to manually input their referral contacts and each action. With this app, check-ins serve as an inputted contact. We can also keep track of the amount of emails, calls, texts, patient evals, referrals, and admissions per liaison. These are all considered part of CRM and will immediately be inputted and tracked.

Final Prototype

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