Icebreaker Case Study


Many dating apps cater to a variety of different users, but ultimately the goal is to provide potential canidates for users that lead to a successful match progressing to a happy relationship. Each app has their own unique approach, feature, and formula that help users find the right person for them.


Dating App






Rather than populating potential matches in the same city, a certain distance or by the a list of preferences; icebreaker is a dating app that is based on the landmarks near you. Users are still allowed to see various stories and post from other users however they are not allowed to interact with the user unless they share the same landmark. Landmarks include malls, hotels, or tourist attractions.


  • Preference Questionaire

  • Women message first

  • Populate based on city and distance

  • Attach social media accounts

  • Privately Message

  • Preference Questionaire

  • Anyone can message

  • Populate based on city and distance

  • Attach social media accounts

  • Privately Message

  • Questionaire

  • Anyone can message

  • Populate based on distance (ft away)

  • Attach social media accounts

  • Privately Message

Empathize with User

There are have been many success stories with dating apps where users have matched, spoke, and went on a date with only one user and hit it off, however for most users this is not the case. Many are looking for a relationship, but end up running into visitors, spam users, unactive accounts, etc. Below are a list of problems that users encounter.

Spam UsersUnactive UsersUnaligned InterestsSlow to respondDishonesty

Understanding the Problem

The top four problems that many users face are dishonesty, spam users, unaligned interest and slow responders. Filtering through a list of potential options can be tedious, and can be even more exhausting when exploring a list with uncompatible matches.


  • Fake Pictures
  • Old Pictures
  • Fake Information

Incompatible Users

  • Inactive User
  • Instagram users looking for more follows
  • Club Promoters
  • Escorts

Unaligned Interest

  • Relationship
  • Open Relationship
  • Single Parents
  • Undecided

Slow Responders

  • Conversation Dies
  • Most likely never to meet
  • Mathced users will lose interest


Solutions to Problems


  • Users will have to take a picture utilizing our camera and filters. They must take one selfie and one full body. They can also grab pictures from their social medias.

Incompatible Users

  • Users must be active once every 14 days
  • There isn't a bio on user's profiles
  • We do not allow individual messages until an icebreaker is completed

Unaligned Interest

  • Allow users to go through a survey in the beginning that collects all their preference in their partner
  • We can also display their relationship interest as well as their specific hobbies

Slow Responders

  • Must reply within 24 hours to an icebreaker
  • Can message after meeting. If the conversation does not receive responses within 24 hours, the app will ask the responding user if they would like to continue conversing with this match, no longer interested, or found match.

Icebreaker Walkthrough

Front Screen Fill up Information Upload Photo Input Location Personal Wall View Matches It's A Match! Invite to Icebreaker Choose Icebreaker Location Match Accepted the Icebreaker!

Test it out

I like the concept, I would like options of things to do rather than just locations to go to for the icebreaker option.

Andrew, 22

I think a preference options would be cool, because then I could filter out who isn’t ideal for me.

Addison, 26

I like the icebreaker feature because it shows both parties are interested in eachother enough to invest time and money.

Paul, 34

I love the colors and I love the concept. I just feel uncomfortable sharing my precise location. Can we make it more vague?

Madison, 28

I would create it to where we could post things that were doing. Kind of like reddit, but for dating instead.

Antonio, 29

This is awesome! There have been many times where I’ve matched with people on other sites and we never meet, or they respond too slow and then I don’t even remember them. I just wish we could send messages to each other before the ice breaker.

Rachael, 30


Summary: When users login, they can check-in to landmarks and are allowed to interact in those posts / chat rooms assigned to the landmarks near the user. They could also choose to browse which allows the user access to the chatrooms however won’t be able to participate. Once they are in a chatroom, they are allowed to view a list of profiles on the top. They can choose to show interest or remove them off their list. They can always view a profile from someone’s post as well. When replying to someone’s post, you can either make it public or private (allowing only the creator of the post to view).

When two users show interest via heart, a match is formed where an icebreaker can be sent by either party. Once the user decides which icebreaker he’d like to send, the other party can refuse or accept. If the other party refuses, they can choose why or a different icebreaker. Once the icebreaker is agreed, the location will be released to both parties with the QR code sent to the user who sent the icebreaker. When both parties meet, the QR code can be given the facility of choice. After an icebreaker is created, this will allow both users to now message eachother without being in the same landmark.


Final Prototype