ChitChat Case Study

chitchat-app chitchat-app chitchat-app


Every industry requires communication, but the challenge is effectively and efficiently communicating each task and message. ChitChat allows companys to communicate with their team seamlessly. We’ve also added a couple of features we feel would benefit users.


Messaging App





Empathize with User

There are have been many success stories with dating apps where users have matched, spoke, and went on a date with only one user and hit it off, however for most users this is not the case. Many are looking for a relationship, but end up running into visitors, spam users, unactive accounts, etc. Below are a list of problems that users encounter.

Understanding the Problem

Miscommunication, Replicated Messages, User Capacity, Complexity, Security are a few of the challenges we face when making efforts to keep communication between co-workers.


  • Misunderstanding a request over the phone
  • Unable to receive the message
  • Phone line is busy
  • Text threads are long and some messages are missed

Replicated Messages

  • Communicating the same message over phone or text to multiple people

User Capacity

  • Text messages have a limit on the amount of people that can be in a group.


  • Graphs, pictures and data are important to businesses, with text messages it limits the length of data as well as the type of.


  • Depending on the business, the security of the messages can be critical.
  • Healthcare - HIPPA
  • Government - Extra Secure
  • Payment and private information


Solutions to Problems


  • Allowing users to message rather than always call
  • Allowing users to contact people out of their work network.
  • Allowing people to scan and send documents via the app

Replicated Messages

  • Allowing group chats
  • Allowing blind copy group chats ( a user can send a message to multiple users, however the receiving users receive message as if it was individually sent)

User Capacity

  • Allow users to organize specific people into specific groups.
  • Don’t create a cap to the amount of users per group.


  • Allow a newsfeed to display graphs, pictures, data, and other messages that are larger than the average message


  • Create a double ended encryption that creates a secure and safe environment to allow users to freely communicate with one another.

ChitChat Walkthrough

Dashboard Fill Up Information Wall Messages Messages Messages Messages

Test it out

This is a great software that allows me to communicate with my team and my clients. Will it allow me to send an individual message to my clients from the app?

Jacob, 47

Managing security can be so difficult since we use our radios. Sometimes I have security officers who’ve heard our message but pretend they didn’t hear it. Is there read messages sent to the sender? Can there be a tracker that tracks where the officer are and what they’ve scanned so far?

Courtney, 34
Security Dispatcher

As a plumber, I have to communicate with my team and my clients all day. Between different tasks, eta, materials, etc, I’m always using my phone. I would love to have something like this to where I can message everyone the same message without having me send separate messages.

Manny, 34

When examining patients all day, it takes a full team to carefully coordinate a patient visit from begin to end. Communication is very important for us. I love the fact that we can message our clients, can we schedule text message deliveries?

Vivian, 36
Primary Care Physician

This software is genius! This would cut down my cold calls in more than half and would allow me to be a lot more productive in my day! Are there other widgets that will be added to the app like calendars or sending locations?

Kellan, 29
Pharmacy Marketer

Shipments are never on schedule and I have to have enough space for the next shipment to come through by having our team stock these imports. We have to be ready at all times, so we rely on strong communication skills in order to be efficient in our line of work. I’d love to have a widget that shows when a shipment has arrived and is unloading, as well as the details of the shipment to allow us to be better prepared.

Jamie, 34
Stock and Shipment Manager


Summary: This is a secured messaging software that combines the concept of social media and texting into a professional communication platform. The software does not have a limit on the amount of members per group, as well as allows data, pictures, and other larger messages to be accurately displayed in the social media like UI. This apps also allows text messages to be sent through the software, even if the receiver does not have the software.

Messaging Types: This app allows three different ways a text can be sent. Individually ( where users send eachother a message), group messaging ( where texts can be sent to multiple users), or blind copy text messaging ( where the same message can be sent to multiple users. They can receive the messages with their own text messaging platform or through the software itself. It will send as if it was individually sent, however the sender will have a group chat like thread.

Newsfeed: This feature of the app can showcase bigger messages like the pictures, data, and announcements. This feaure also has catered and defaulted widgets that can be added or removed.

Final Prototype
